Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Wednesday Poetry Reading

Come join us for First Wednesday, a series of readings, performances and wine-tasting, held at the Blackbird Wineshop & Atomic Cheese, 4323 NE Fremont, PDX.

Wednesday, Sept. 7 from 7-9pm.

This month's readers are Verlena Orr, Alissa Nielsen, and John Sibley Williams.

This show is 21 and over.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Autobiography of Fever (chapbook) now out!

I'm honored to announce the release of my new chapbook, Autobiography of Fever. It's Bedouin Books' 2011 Annual Poetry Chapbook.

ISBN: 978-09832987-3-1 / 20pp.


It's available via Bedouin Books, and there are excerpts posted to see if you enjoy what you'll read :)

I hope you pick it up and, more importantly, that it resonates.

Here's the back cover blurb:

‎'John Sibley Williams' poems carry Michael McClure's conversational tone along with H.D.'s explorations in an auto-mythology. we are taken to the poet's place of parallel lines along the path to a city still being constructed at once with doors, bridges, hydrangeas and rhododendrons. the machine in the garden rusts here as the poet pleads, sings and questions for all that is solid to melt into air with the feverish flight of the hummingbird. '

Counterexample Poetics

Thanks to the editors of Counterexample Poetics for publishing a short suite of poems from my book Controlled Hallucinations. CLICK HERE to read it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Pinch Literary Journal Poetry Contest

I'm honored that my poem "Description of the Sky" has just won 2nd place in The Pinch Literary Journal's annual Poetry Contest. The issue in which the poem appears should be out by September, 2011...