Friday, May 28, 2010

100 Publications!

With word that Cutthroat: a journal of the arts will be publishing my poem A Sign on the Road in their Summer 2010 edition, my poetry and fiction has now been displayed in 100 publications!

My first publication was an Eastern European-inspired short story called The German Board (was reading alot of Kafka at the time) in Collected Stories in 2001. Unlike most of my youthful fiction, it's one of the few stories that still reverberates with me. My initial experiments in poetry began in 2003 with the publication of rather immature poems like Crocodile Tears and An Empty Pillow (published in Typically Unusual). It wasn't until 2007 that I began to understand the nuances of poetry and to devote my full creative drive and passion to its study and composition.

Now, 3 short years later, I've traveled quite a bit and written in many styles, from direct narrative to experimental/conceptual poetry, and am pushing to publish any of my (presently) 5 chapbooks. Hasn't been that long a ride yet, but a good one...and the future is very much looking in one direction...

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