Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
3 poems to start the new year!
And an already happy new year! Wildnerness House Literary Review has just accepted three poems for publication in early January, 2010. Everyone is Cold, Sometimes- the partial disintegration of a relationship upon the cold Massachusetts shore, Artificial Light, and An Aftermath can all be found then at I'll likely post a few of them here for easier access once they're officially published.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
5 poems in December!
Happy Almost-Holidays! The day after most feasted upon turkey, I just received an acceptance for 5 poems by Tertulia Magazine ( Their titles are: Accents, Foreigner, Hymn Similar to Yesterday's, Elegy of Rope, and Mother Tongue, all older poems based in my travels in Vienna, Greece, and Iceland in 2006-7. Please check it out in a few weeks, the December 2009 issue!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
new CircleShow vol 2 out!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Open Letters out now!
The November edition of Open Letters is now out! My poem, Surely I'm Convinced, headlines the new poems for the issue. Please check it out at
Surely I’m Convinced
a word understood must have been uttered aloud.
a word uttered must travel vast distances
to define itself.
one word will some day imbue
the rest with meaning.
Surely I’m Convinced
the winter wind speaks
to one person at a time,
and just now I possess its conversation.
the snow owl communicates with god
through its wake of rodent bones and fur.
utter silence has no counterpart.
Surely I’m Convinced
a word understood must have been uttered aloud.
a word uttered must travel vast distances
to define itself.
one word will some day imbue
the rest with meaning.
Surely I’m Convinced
the winter wind speaks
to one person at a time,
and just now I possess its conversation.
the snow owl communicates with god
through its wake of rodent bones and fur.
utter silence has no counterpart.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Hoboeye internship!
Having met today with its literary editor, Mitchell McInnis, I have just been offered an internship at the literary and arts magazine Hoboeye! ( The position exactly matches my interest in and passion for both the editorial and community-building aspects of poetry and art, the formal mechanics and fostering relationships, the written and conversational communications. The organic sense of community Hoboeye fosters and I will be a part of nurturing is very much what I sought in moving west: to retain substance while linking poetry to other artistics forms, of taking the page and allowing it to be heard, witnessed, and experienced as a form of shared communication. It feels like one of potentially many doors that are opening in Portland, each allowing access to larger parts of the "the house we live in" (to quote Hafiz), each somehow connected to each other. I've finally been redeeming my own literary passions from the solitude of actual writing and submitting, which should only be a part of the life of a fully-functioning, socially-aware artist...
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Sign on the Road
I'm pleased to announce Amarillo Bay has accepted my poem A Sign on the Road for publication in an upcoming issue. This will be the third poem I have published with them over the last year, making me feel a bit like a regular contributor. Please check them out at!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Molotkov's reading at Three Friends
Here is a video of Tola's reading from the same mic on Mon. 10/19/09. His readings, like his poetry, are a great inspiration to me, and I am thrilled to be working with him on birthing our own literarly movement....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Video of Reading from this Monday
Here is a video of my reading of a few new poems at Three Friends Coffeehouse in Portland on 10/19/09. Please enjoy, comment, and/or critique!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Scary, No Scary by Zachary Schomburg
Yesterday I picked up a copy of this new book of poetry, the author's second, from Powell's. This sophmore journey from the founder of Octopus magazine (, resonated with me immediately in a way few contemporary American poetry books are able. Within nearly every poem Schomburg speaks beauty, both natural and human, with a devilish tongue. In fact, he draws no distinction between the natural and human worlds, nor the holy and unholy, as they intertwine in every line. A woman loses her arms, from which grow tree limbs. A grotesque image straight from Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, to be sure, but this is not the masochistic work of man. It is nature within man. Eventually she transforms into a tree and it is beatiful. Elsewhere two people give themselves to the bones of a coyote, another mysterious concept described in such natural, holistic terms, which thenceforth transform the dead coyote in a god of the forest. There is something of Nick Cave's lyrical genius in this. Something of Native American recognition that there are not two, or more, worlds but one, without dividing lines, without a black or a white element.
I would very much suggest it to any reader, even those without a firm grasp nor love of poetry.
Scary, No Scary by Zachary Schomburg
Black Ocean Press-
Word Temple
Upon researching Copper Canyon Press for a paper, I realized something quite beautiful about their chosen symbol, which all have seen countless times, as Copper Cayon is a bastion for poetry in America, a symbol itself of how we cannot give up on poetry audiences, that such a venture can succeed both critically and popularly.
The Chinese character for poetry includes two parts. 'Word' and 'Temple'. The accuracy and, in its own way, poetry of this Chinese conception of poetry is something I feel often lacks in our contemporary Western culture. Is this not what each of us seeks in our own writing? To take human words and allow them by our own hands to transcend, not unlike a pagoda, to encompass a basic human experience, to speak directly to both the nature of us and the nature of something greater? Yet have I found a more fitting description for what poetry should have always been and must still be considered today, despite our mass media culture. Words can still ascend, transcend, transform. To say something all can understand intuitively, across our many divides, something all can feel, may be the closest thing we have to Godliness, even for we agnostics....
The Chinese character for poetry includes two parts. 'Word' and 'Temple'. The accuracy and, in its own way, poetry of this Chinese conception of poetry is something I feel often lacks in our contemporary Western culture. Is this not what each of us seeks in our own writing? To take human words and allow them by our own hands to transcend, not unlike a pagoda, to encompass a basic human experience, to speak directly to both the nature of us and the nature of something greater? Yet have I found a more fitting description for what poetry should have always been and must still be considered today, despite our mass media culture. Words can still ascend, transcend, transform. To say something all can understand intuitively, across our many divides, something all can feel, may be the closest thing we have to Godliness, even for we agnostics....
Friday, October 16, 2009
Upcoming Reading- Mon. 10/19
This Monday, 10/19, at Three Friends Coffeehouse (201 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR), Tola, Shawn, and I will triple-header their open mic. I think I'll attempt poems written earlier today, which I'm excited about and believe are rather strong...but we'll see. I look forward to the three of us reading together and hope others are able to come for the mic or support!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
New Poet's Ink out now!!
The Sept. 2009 issue of Poet's Ink is now available online at Please check it out. My poem Hypotheticals headlines this issue....
Here's a glimpse...
The sturdy iron pipes supporting our city
will rust. The immutable blast of lilacs
now pummeling our senses
will evaporate into Autumn.
The blood on Achilles’ sword
has long since crusted brown,
cracked, flaked into nonexistence.
Even the sword itself
has regressed to written word.
We are left to imagine its luster.
Day’s sonorous whine, already night.
At night, we mortar the bricks
of impermanence. What if history
gorged more on truth than myth
and our glass-framed bodies
would never crush beneath pestle
to a gentle whiff of bone?
What if our eyes and hearts
spoke the language of shared morning
and for one morning we agreed on an answer?
I’m left to savor him here, amongst inane hypotheticals-
my child left unborn.
Here's a glimpse...
The sturdy iron pipes supporting our city
will rust. The immutable blast of lilacs
now pummeling our senses
will evaporate into Autumn.
The blood on Achilles’ sword
has long since crusted brown,
cracked, flaked into nonexistence.
Even the sword itself
has regressed to written word.
We are left to imagine its luster.
Day’s sonorous whine, already night.
At night, we mortar the bricks
of impermanence. What if history
gorged more on truth than myth
and our glass-framed bodies
would never crush beneath pestle
to a gentle whiff of bone?
What if our eyes and hearts
spoke the language of shared morning
and for one morning we agreed on an answer?
I’m left to savor him here, amongst inane hypotheticals-
my child left unborn.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fall 2009 Other Rooms issue out!
As of today, the Fall 2009 issue of Other Rooms is available online at Please check it out. I'm pleased to see my poem Gregor Samsa upon its pages...
Friday, October 2, 2009
A. Molotkov Reading!
Please check out my friend Tola's wonderful reading from Three Friends Coffeehouse this Monday.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Day Before
The Day Before
Today is no different
and will pass without a word,
will holler and vanish in a storm cloud
that in a season
will return us calm tides and birds.
The shells spiraling toward center
could as easily be heading away.
Is that not reason enough to rejoice?
What low tide lays bare
might not be expected
but someone once pitched
everything we find here into the sea,
making this act of rediscovery
its own strenuous abandonment.
If we could not remember
the day before
would the waves speak
a less weighty dialect?
Without history would its torchbearers
pine like the rest of us
for definition
and for an image of ourselves
Without love’s deeds and its failures
would I be left wondering alone by the sea
why the severity of my hands?
-published by Arlington Literary Journal
Today is no different
and will pass without a word,
will holler and vanish in a storm cloud
that in a season
will return us calm tides and birds.
The shells spiraling toward center
could as easily be heading away.
Is that not reason enough to rejoice?
What low tide lays bare
might not be expected
but someone once pitched
everything we find here into the sea,
making this act of rediscovery
its own strenuous abandonment.
If we could not remember
the day before
would the waves speak
a less weighty dialect?
Without history would its torchbearers
pine like the rest of us
for definition
and for an image of ourselves
Without love’s deeds and its failures
would I be left wondering alone by the sea
why the severity of my hands?
-published by Arlington Literary Journal
Open Mic This Monday!!
Open Mic this Monday, Sept. 28, at Three Friends Coffeehouse (201 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR). Sign up begins at 8pm, mic at 8:30pm. Shawn, Tola, and I will be there, representing the Caravan...I'm unsure what to read, but perhaps some new work, which tend to be shorter and more idea/concept-based...alas, we'll see...
The Show and Tell Gallery, which hosts the mic, can be found at
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Albina Press Coffeehouse- New Meetup Location
So, Moonlit Poetry Caravan is trying out a new location for our Thursday night meetings. We'll be at:
Albina Press Coffeehouse
5012 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, OR 97215
Hopefully this locale, of which I've heard many good things and being closer to downtown, will be more suitable to some. Fingers crossed...
Our next meeting is Thursday, Oct 1!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Bad Dancing...
After watching this in my Graduate Mentoring Training at Portland State University, I felt wholly inspired and filled with both love and, well, a desire to dance poorly, to just embrace, and embrace boldly...please watch...and enjoy....
After watching this in my Graduate Mentoring Training at Portland State University, I felt wholly inspired and filled with both love and, well, a desire to dance poorly, to just embrace, and embrace boldly...please watch...and enjoy....
Seven Cirlces Press- 3 Poems!
Great news! Seven Circles Press, an online and print journal, has accepted three poems for publication: " Accident Of Clouds", " Village South Of The River" and "A Song Without Music". They will be available in print Feb 2010 and online soon at
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I'm Reading Sunday's Headlines....
More wonderful news this week! One of my newer poems within my chapbook "The House We Live In", still attempting publication, has been accepted by New Verse News. This chapbook is mainly a series of questions, poltical and social, and is a search for their answers. The poem "I'm Reading Sunday's Headlines That Call for Things Like Justice" is now headlining at Please help support and check it out. Comments, as always, are more than welcome...
Friday, September 11, 2009
March 4th on September 11th
After a long conversation last night with two fellow conspirators, friends, and poets bent on removing the astro turf on the uneven playing field of contemporary poetry, I am excited to find Folly Magazine, an online and print journal of poetry and aesthetics, has accepted my poem March 4th. Awaiting word as to publication date. But please check out their website at
Friday, September 4, 2009
Infidelities at Mad Poets Review
Upon return from Vienna I have happily found Mad Poets Review will be publishing my poem Infidelities in their upcoming Fall 2009 print edition. Website:
Confessional Hymns x2
Please check out the new September online issue of Stirring: A Literary Collection,, where my poem Confessional Hymns has been published for a second time.
Bless us, fertile new morning.
Bless the barrage of tangerine light
streaming through the thawing pines.
Bless the slight wisps penetrating within
these bedroom windows,
balancing upon her forehead.
To whoever misses the conch’s hermetic ocean voice
grinding and honking down the avenues,
bless those ears pressed to concrete
who know history never fully unfurls.
Bless the gathering hummingbirds
who resuscitate night’s lost shadows,
swarming into a single crab
splayed across our bedroom wall,
legs furiously kicking the air.
Bless the beasts conquered and belly up,
accepting without pretense the slaughter and their breath.
Bless all the things each sea coughs up.
Bless their ignorance, their well-lit tree within.
Bless the bountiful cold waves
sleep polishes our wounds,
our nightly flight taken with Icarus
and our awaking moments before the sea opens its mouth.
Bless the moment between waking and understanding,
when such purity of new morning blinds us
to what the night undid.
Bless us, fertile new morning.
Bless the barrage of tangerine light
streaming through the thawing pines.
Bless the slight wisps penetrating within
these bedroom windows,
balancing upon her forehead.
To whoever misses the conch’s hermetic ocean voice
grinding and honking down the avenues,
bless those ears pressed to concrete
who know history never fully unfurls.
Bless the gathering hummingbirds
who resuscitate night’s lost shadows,
swarming into a single crab
splayed across our bedroom wall,
legs furiously kicking the air.
Bless the beasts conquered and belly up,
accepting without pretense the slaughter and their breath.
Bless all the things each sea coughs up.
Bless their ignorance, their well-lit tree within.
Bless the bountiful cold waves
sleep polishes our wounds,
our nightly flight taken with Icarus
and our awaking moments before the sea opens its mouth.
Bless the moment between waking and understanding,
when such purity of new morning blinds us
to what the night undid.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Portland, OR upcoming reading- friend and cohort A. Molotkov to be reading
Oregon Literary Review co-hosts First Wednesdays, a series of readings, performances and wine-tasting at the Blackbird Wine Shop, 3519 NE 44th off Fremont, 7-9pm. This show is 21 and over. Contact Julie Mae Madsen at for more information.
The readers for September 2 are Bruce Greene, David Cooke, Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk, A. Molotkov, & Evan Cooper.
This night features writers of a successful Portland writing group The Guttery (
Bruce Greene taught for 33 years at an urban high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a teacher-consultant for the Bay Area Writing Project at UC Berkeley for the last 20 years, he’s published numerous articles on educational issues in his own practice as well as personal essays based on his experiences and observations. An avid thoroughbred horse lover, and frequent contributor to The Blood-Horse magazine, he served as Northern California correspondent from 1985-2000. Bruce now lives and writes in Portland, Oregon and is currently looking for three new streams to fly fish, two more coffeehouses conducive to writing, and one literary agent for his recently completed memoir, Above This Wall: The Life and Times of a VISTA Volunteer 1969-70.
David Cooke is a former middle school special education teacher who operates a landscape maintenance business aptly named The Lawn Guy. He is a founding member of two writing groups– Leora: A Writing Group and The Guttery. He graduated from both the University of California, Santa Cruz and the Portland State University Masters of Special Education program. Raised Catholic in Oakland, California, he now resides in Lake Oswego, Oregon with painter, Jessica Acevedo. His debut as the Ruth Stone Poetry Prize winner is available in The Hunger Mountain Journal online and in print. He is currently compiling a chapbook entitled Discretion.
Before landing in Portland, Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk lived all over. She learned kickboxing in Turkey, faced-off with a rhino in Nepal, discussed the weather with Queen Elizabeth in England, and was chastised by Mother Theresa in India. She’s now proud to declare herself a coffee mug carryin’, microbrew drinkin’, Powell browsin’, environmental stumpin’, trail hikin’ Portlander. She writes novels about the adventures that occur when the will of the individual and the collective muscle of a culture clash.
A. Molotkov is a writer, composer, filmmaker and visual artist. Born in Russia, he moved to the US in 1990 and switched to writing in English in 1993. He is the author of several novels, short story and poetry collections and the winner of the 2008 E. M. Koeppel Short Fiction Award. The winning story “Round Trip” has been nominated for the 2009 Pushcart Award and accepted by Intramel for publication in Italian. A. Molotkov’s poetry and short stories have appeared in over a dozen publications, both in print and online. Visit him at
Evan Cooper is a writer of fiction. He holds a B.A. in English Literature from Willamette University and an M.A. in Media and Culture from the Universiteit van Amsterdam. He often rolls them up and uses them for house fly-icide and K-9 reprimands. He lives and writes in Portland, Oregon.
The readers for September 2 are Bruce Greene, David Cooke, Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk, A. Molotkov, & Evan Cooper.
This night features writers of a successful Portland writing group The Guttery (
Bruce Greene taught for 33 years at an urban high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a teacher-consultant for the Bay Area Writing Project at UC Berkeley for the last 20 years, he’s published numerous articles on educational issues in his own practice as well as personal essays based on his experiences and observations. An avid thoroughbred horse lover, and frequent contributor to The Blood-Horse magazine, he served as Northern California correspondent from 1985-2000. Bruce now lives and writes in Portland, Oregon and is currently looking for three new streams to fly fish, two more coffeehouses conducive to writing, and one literary agent for his recently completed memoir, Above This Wall: The Life and Times of a VISTA Volunteer 1969-70.
David Cooke is a former middle school special education teacher who operates a landscape maintenance business aptly named The Lawn Guy. He is a founding member of two writing groups– Leora: A Writing Group and The Guttery. He graduated from both the University of California, Santa Cruz and the Portland State University Masters of Special Education program. Raised Catholic in Oakland, California, he now resides in Lake Oswego, Oregon with painter, Jessica Acevedo. His debut as the Ruth Stone Poetry Prize winner is available in The Hunger Mountain Journal online and in print. He is currently compiling a chapbook entitled Discretion.
Before landing in Portland, Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk lived all over. She learned kickboxing in Turkey, faced-off with a rhino in Nepal, discussed the weather with Queen Elizabeth in England, and was chastised by Mother Theresa in India. She’s now proud to declare herself a coffee mug carryin’, microbrew drinkin’, Powell browsin’, environmental stumpin’, trail hikin’ Portlander. She writes novels about the adventures that occur when the will of the individual and the collective muscle of a culture clash.
A. Molotkov is a writer, composer, filmmaker and visual artist. Born in Russia, he moved to the US in 1990 and switched to writing in English in 1993. He is the author of several novels, short story and poetry collections and the winner of the 2008 E. M. Koeppel Short Fiction Award. The winning story “Round Trip” has been nominated for the 2009 Pushcart Award and accepted by Intramel for publication in Italian. A. Molotkov’s poetry and short stories have appeared in over a dozen publications, both in print and online. Visit him at
Evan Cooper is a writer of fiction. He holds a B.A. in English Literature from Willamette University and an M.A. in Media and Culture from the Universiteit van Amsterdam. He often rolls them up and uses them for house fly-icide and K-9 reprimands. He lives and writes in Portland, Oregon.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Power Outage acceptance
Pure Francis, an online literary journal, has accepted for their upcoming Winter 2009 edition my poem Power Outage. Please check it out at I'll let you know when it's available online.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Black and White (if only Read all over)
My poem Black and White, a musing written in Texas about the Guadelupe Mountains, the clarify of old movies, and the swagger of the soul has been accepted by San Pedro River Review, a print poetry and art publication. The Fall 2009 issue comes out in September. Their website, which gives guidelines and info, is I'm excited that this poem in particular found its meandering way into a journal named after the ancient river flowing from Sonora, Mexico to feels fitting...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Silent in Hand....
A fairly new poem, Silent in Hand, written just before my move to Oregon, has just been accepted for the Fall 2009 print edition of Third Wednesday, a journal who last year published another piece. Their website is Please support and check them out!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
new Literary Bohemian out Monday!
Monday, 8/10, the next issue of Literary Bohemian will be out. It's a unique venue for literary travel writing, poetry, and tidbits: snapshots of our varied journeys. Check it out at My poem Icelandic Horses found its way into this issue, via one path or another...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
...........A Handkerchief Waving......
A Handkerchief Waving, a two year old poem I'd fought hard to get published, has now been accepted at Wild Goose Poetry Review. In October their Fall 2009 issue will be out. Please check it out at:
Sunday, August 2, 2009
new flickr account
To keep up with my burgeoning interest in photography and to relay some images to friends back East, I've just created a flickr account: Should be new shots up fairly frequently. Feel free to comment on them, as I'm just beginning to understand the rudimentary basics of photography....
Friday, July 31, 2009
Glass: A Journal of Poetry New Issue Out!
Glass: A Journal of Poetry Issue Two Volume Two is now available at There you'll find a segment of my poem And Then Like a Saber, a strange, hopefully dangerous love poem.....
Their motto:
"Poetry that enacts the artistic and creative purity of glass"
poor little Gregor Samsa and his metaphor
Once a little metaphor exhausted of its meaning, crept from the abstraction it was born to represent, and attempted to live within the world itself...that was the little fairy tale dreamt to write the poem "Gregor Samsa", which Other Rooms just accepted. It will be posted soon at
Help support the hungry, tired metaphors...they need your help!!!
Help support the hungry, tired metaphors...they need your help!!! Poet's Ink
Wonderful news! It's been an astounding week for publications. Upon returning from a photography trip to the Oregon coast, I've received word my poem Hypotheticals will be published in the September issue of Poet's Ink. Please support both myself and their publication by checking it and their other work out at This poem was a musing on what is left undone in life, particularly the lack of certain concrete things, like children, things expected but oft not fulfilled, and whether that in itself signifies failure....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Open Letters
Open Letters: A Monthly Arts and Literature Review will be publishing my poem Surely I'm Convinced in their January 2010 Poetry issue. The editor references the poem's "Stevens-like ambiguity", which are very kind words indeed...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
new Wilderness House Literary Review now out!
Check out for the new Wildnerness Literary Review, containing some excellent work of poetry, fiction, and essays, including two of my love poems......
ahh, the art of raining...
Silenced Press (, a journal and small literary press, has just accepted The Art of Raining for their online publication. Please check them out! I adore the quote prefacing this poem, a single line amidst the chaos of Pablo Neruda's intelligent and oft big-headed memoir. I still cannot confine with definition 'the art of raining', cannot build walls around or perspective upon a concept as fluid as the metaphor within it, but it yawns and stretches within me back to childhood, through the future, seeming to connect every memory I cherish and every memory I fear...the art of raining...something we cannot lose...
The Art of Raining
“The art of raining…has now been lost.”
-Pablo Neruda, Memoirs
I walked blindly into her hands,
the sea somewhere behind me,
asking why.
What fire, wind, and rain
has chosen to leave standing
and the ferocity of the vanished’s
returning, often in conversations silenced
over vast tablefuls of food and friends,
that moment all consent to mass introspection,
often too in bullet casings, polished silver,
lodged in the lung of endless answer-waiting,
when extraction could shut down the whole system.
Once we spoke the unspeakable, but no longer.
Is this the belief she whispers to my sleep, as if from Isla Negra?
That somehow tears are wine if we admit our weeping?
The sky over the sea, blindly eyeing my back,
storms and calms and wonders
why our countless words for rain.
To it there is one, synonymous with love,
and one for love, synonymous with why,
and one for why, synonymous with rain.
The Art of Raining
“The art of raining…has now been lost.”
-Pablo Neruda, Memoirs
I walked blindly into her hands,
the sea somewhere behind me,
asking why.
What fire, wind, and rain
has chosen to leave standing
and the ferocity of the vanished’s
returning, often in conversations silenced
over vast tablefuls of food and friends,
that moment all consent to mass introspection,
often too in bullet casings, polished silver,
lodged in the lung of endless answer-waiting,
when extraction could shut down the whole system.
Once we spoke the unspeakable, but no longer.
Is this the belief she whispers to my sleep, as if from Isla Negra?
That somehow tears are wine if we admit our weeping?
The sky over the sea, blindly eyeing my back,
storms and calms and wonders
why our countless words for rain.
To it there is one, synonymous with love,
and one for love, synonymous with why,
and one for why, synonymous with rain.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Poem in an Upcoming Chapbook- River Anthology
The River Poets Journal ( will be publishing a chapbook later this year anthologizing poems about specific rivers. I am excited to hear my poem, Two Hometowns on the Same River, will be included! If interested, they are still accepting submissions for this chapbook until 9/30/09 (guidelines online). Two Hometowns on the Same River was composed about the Danube, which connects many major Eastern and Central European cities, and near which a friend's father grew up in a small village in Romania. After a long conversation with him at a wedding, in which he half-drunkenly rolled through a litany of childhood memories, I returned to my own memories of the river...resulting in this poem...
River Poets Journal Publishing Love Poem "Reunion"
Reunion, a multi-sectioned love poem written in Vienna, has now been accepted by River Poets Journal. The issue in which it will be published is due Oct./Nov. 2009. Please check out the journal at
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hawaii and Portland
It's presently 3:50am and I've just woken for my flight to Portland and beginnings of new experiences, friends, poetries, and fresh air to find a journal I admire, The Hawaii Review, has accepted my poem This Other Island for their upcoming print edition. What a wonderful way to inaugurate this new journey in my life!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Aries - poetry acceptance
More good news this week! Aries: A Journal of Creative Expression has accepted my poem Foreigner for publication in their 2009 print edition. The poem was written about my time in Greece, though it could be anywhere, about the fears and odd pleasures of anonimity. Please check out their website at
Literary Bohemian in August
Literary Bohemian, an online journal of adventurers, wanderers, and seekers of experiences and peoples, has accepted my poem Icelandic Horses for their August 2009 issue. Check them out at
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
...Keep Driving...
I've always rather liked this poem, Keep Driving, and am excited that after quite a bit of effort since its conception last summer it has finally found a home. Concho River Review, a 22-year-old print journal from Angelo State University in Texas, will be publishing it in its Spring 2010 issue. Concho River's website is
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Arlington Literary Journal Issue 27 out!
Issue 27 of ArLiJo is out, available at Three poems had previously been accepted here. I've included one below, a poem from Iceland's endless sagging-roofed empty fisheries. Please check out the other two, The Day Before and From Under a Sari, on the website!
Distant Vacation
Of all industry- the gutted refinery, sagging like a body
unused, that still cries from the ceiling
last month’s rain.
Step outside, into winter, and the Northern
Lights spume alien green, distend, pressed
between the two glass slides-
endless night and its soil. Why the distance
of words like alien? What is being enlarged,
investigated, the illnesses in our blood.
White cells, too low. Something
of the unknowable elicits a promise
that it resides in us too, that foreign
tricks of light are our tongues,
that a fishery rotted still stands
because someone someday will replaster the ceiling.
It is too dark to recognize as more than shadow
the unpenned horses and mangy wads of sheep above.
But something must exist to cast them
forty feet long down the white hill.
The pigeons cling desperately to the village steeple.
The unmanned ships in the harbor still prowl for fish.
Distant Vacation
Of all industry- the gutted refinery, sagging like a body
unused, that still cries from the ceiling
last month’s rain.
Step outside, into winter, and the Northern
Lights spume alien green, distend, pressed
between the two glass slides-
endless night and its soil. Why the distance
of words like alien? What is being enlarged,
investigated, the illnesses in our blood.
White cells, too low. Something
of the unknowable elicits a promise
that it resides in us too, that foreign
tricks of light are our tongues,
that a fishery rotted still stands
because someone someday will replaster the ceiling.
It is too dark to recognize as more than shadow
the unpenned horses and mangy wads of sheep above.
But something must exist to cast them
forty feet long down the white hill.
The pigeons cling desperately to the village steeple.
The unmanned ships in the harbor still prowl for fish.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
White Whale Issue 1.2 Out!
Please check out for the long-awaited Issue 1.2, which contains three of poems alongside work I admire, especially for such a young magazine.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Flowers in September...
My poem Flowers, written about the gypsy women and children who swarm markets and outdoor cafes in central Europe with their sad stories selling flowers to tourists, has just been accepted for September 2009 publication in The Shine Journal, an online publication seeped in natural spirituality and beauty. Check it out then at!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Arlington Literary Journal- 3 Poems!
Arlington Literary Journal has accepted for publication three poems: The Day Before, Distant Vacation, and From Under a Sari. I'm particularly proud these poems have been selected by ArLiJo given their dedication to serious, intelligent literature.
See below blurb. And please check out
Arlington Literary Journal online also known as ArLiJo, is located in Arlington, Virginia and sponsored by Gival Press.
The intent of ArLiJo is to feature a variety of authors/poets/artists from around the globe whose work provokes readers to comtemplate issues, etc.
In this spirit, the editor, Robert L. Giron, invites authors/poets/artists to share their work which promotes understanding and sensitvity across borders, even if initially the work may cause one to take a double-take.
See below blurb. And please check out
Arlington Literary Journal online also known as ArLiJo, is located in Arlington, Virginia and sponsored by Gival Press.
The intent of ArLiJo is to feature a variety of authors/poets/artists from around the globe whose work provokes readers to comtemplate issues, etc.
In this spirit, the editor, Robert L. Giron, invites authors/poets/artists to share their work which promotes understanding and sensitvity across borders, even if initially the work may cause one to take a double-take.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wildnerness House Literary Review- 2 Poems this July
Two of my poems, Walk With Me Now and No Fire Left to Ravage, both part of my ongoing love poems book, the former written in Santorini, have just been accepted by Wildnerness House Literary Review. Please check them out at in July!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Paradigm Spring 2009 issue out!
Ah, Springtime again...whirwind of pink blossoms dancing off the trees, expectations of warmer climates renewed, and a barrage of issues from previously accepted journals. Paradigm's Spring 2009 issue also is finally out! I'm rather happy with the poem they accepted a few months ago, Still the World, and am enthused to see it finally in print. Please check out:
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...
Still the World
Why fret the vastness of the world?
Trample endlessly its belly, hungering
for its thighs. Embrace there a sun,
sweat it out, dreaming of frost.
Return full-circle
to kiss the winter dew of its forehead.
It amounts to the same
if never you broke the landscape
of your semi-circled arms,
the digested minutia of your home
spun in earthworm time,
regretting the absence
of foreign suns and frosts.
Still the world
fits snugly an eye socket,
is the size of the last dime
in your pocket
you’ve been saving
to quench your thirst.
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...
Still the World
Why fret the vastness of the world?
Trample endlessly its belly, hungering
for its thighs. Embrace there a sun,
sweat it out, dreaming of frost.
Return full-circle
to kiss the winter dew of its forehead.
It amounts to the same
if never you broke the landscape
of your semi-circled arms,
the digested minutia of your home
spun in earthworm time,
regretting the absence
of foreign suns and frosts.
Still the world
fits snugly an eye socket,
is the size of the last dime
in your pocket
you’ve been saving
to quench your thirst.
Verdad Spring 2009 issue out now!
Please check out, Spring 2009 Volume 6 of Verdad, which has two poems of mine, one written in Athens (see below) and one in Austria (written while reading Ted Hughes in the Alps)...
As a taste, "Hostel Room on Sofokleous Street":
Again I awake to the choppy syllables of motorbikes
dissecting the night. Greeks and Turks and boys
with much to prove battle the dogs
for dominion of silence. Without a clock
I only know refuse and shadow conjoin
and insomnia s leprous limbs stretch and groan
to introduce day.
Heated like the space between closed doors,
weighted like a cemetery,
this city no longer ancient emits a phosphorescent sigh, a neon outline.
History cannot loosen its grip
and the shutters of my barren room
keep out only what I desire.
The first chunk of night
that brought me back to this world
questioned "what city has awoken me?"
But the panting, hounding predawn people
strangling the streets
and the forever wandering
black bearded cassocks
and the meat marketers
displaying their morning fleshes
and the halves of statues time has left us
only answered in homeless pigeon coos.
Feigning to recognize my beloved sea amongst the shouts
of pastries and black coffee, ouzo and rotten fruit,
abandoned alleyways and bored, cyclic buses,
the almost-sun's perennial voices,
I also feigned wisdom,
shaded the broken moment
with a canopy of home.
All things foreign adopted a darkness.
The loose configuration of fears and desires
inaccurately named dreams
sung to my open eyes.
I approached the exposed bulb
to confirm my inner walls of brick
but within such light switch movement
awaits a cockroach and a lie.
So I sat in this certain darkness
just outside dream
and waited alongside it
the skittering feet of daybreak
and the monument of people
that would bring its own sea,
its own vast, unforgettable silence.
As a taste, "Hostel Room on Sofokleous Street":
Again I awake to the choppy syllables of motorbikes
dissecting the night. Greeks and Turks and boys
with much to prove battle the dogs
for dominion of silence. Without a clock
I only know refuse and shadow conjoin
and insomnia s leprous limbs stretch and groan
to introduce day.
Heated like the space between closed doors,
weighted like a cemetery,
this city no longer ancient emits a phosphorescent sigh, a neon outline.
History cannot loosen its grip
and the shutters of my barren room
keep out only what I desire.
The first chunk of night
that brought me back to this world
questioned "what city has awoken me?"
But the panting, hounding predawn people
strangling the streets
and the forever wandering
black bearded cassocks
and the meat marketers
displaying their morning fleshes
and the halves of statues time has left us
only answered in homeless pigeon coos.
Feigning to recognize my beloved sea amongst the shouts
of pastries and black coffee, ouzo and rotten fruit,
abandoned alleyways and bored, cyclic buses,
the almost-sun's perennial voices,
I also feigned wisdom,
shaded the broken moment
with a canopy of home.
All things foreign adopted a darkness.
The loose configuration of fears and desires
inaccurately named dreams
sung to my open eyes.
I approached the exposed bulb
to confirm my inner walls of brick
but within such light switch movement
awaits a cockroach and a lie.
So I sat in this certain darkness
just outside dream
and waited alongside it
the skittering feet of daybreak
and the monument of people
that would bring its own sea,
its own vast, unforgettable silence.
New Amarillo Bay Issue Out Now!
Check out: Here you'll find two of my poems written while in the midwest.
As a taste, "Idaho, Moments After Sunset":
Lamps unsure if they've longer to wait
before darkness completes itself
and I unsure if their volleys
of flickering and hesitation
is the sought sign — when to know
if I'm ready to leave?
Ah the comfort, rejuvenation
smiling children impress on the crazy.
But upon that russet,
sallow cusp of horizon
day has broken
into glass shards lining the highway
and the children,
horders of all things
reflecting even the scantest light,
have skived their curious fingers
and retreated.
Stars like grains of white sand
emerge from a desert newly black,
Lilliputian divinities
who too age one more night
but will live to see another.
People enjoy imparting lessons
without awakening first in prison
or in heaven
and define bad water
as all rivers never crossed
and I who claim to be different
still cannot identify
which of the uninterrupted voices
scalding this desolate summer road
will find me the land
where music is no longer necessary.
As a taste, "Idaho, Moments After Sunset":
Lamps unsure if they've longer to wait
before darkness completes itself
and I unsure if their volleys
of flickering and hesitation
is the sought sign — when to know
if I'm ready to leave?
Ah the comfort, rejuvenation
smiling children impress on the crazy.
But upon that russet,
sallow cusp of horizon
day has broken
into glass shards lining the highway
and the children,
horders of all things
reflecting even the scantest light,
have skived their curious fingers
and retreated.
Stars like grains of white sand
emerge from a desert newly black,
Lilliputian divinities
who too age one more night
but will live to see another.
People enjoy imparting lessons
without awakening first in prison
or in heaven
and define bad water
as all rivers never crossed
and I who claim to be different
still cannot identify
which of the uninterrupted voices
scalding this desolate summer road
will find me the land
where music is no longer necessary.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Lullaby of the Spider
More good news! Red Wheelbarrow, a print publication of DeAnza College, will be publishing my poem Lullaby of the Spider in their 2009 national issue. This poem, slightly bittersweet, is an imagistic comment on memory. They've also included some very complimentary comments from their readers, which is both rare and truly lifted my spirits (as if one's spirits can be low late Spring, 90 degrees, preparing for a cross country move and new life!). Their notes:
One of our readers wrote:
"I felt like the convoluted and sometimes archaic syntax had an interesting effect in Williams' poems, creating a voice of detachment that complemented his imagery of the West. I especially liked how the sense of desperation in the beginning of Driving Nebraska gave way to a reluctant acceptance of loneliness. I also liked the haunting imagery in Lullaby of the Spider, and the way the poem slowly unraveled much like the strand of spiderweb it described."
They're still considering another poem, Driving Nebraska, for this issue too.
One of our readers wrote:
"I felt like the convoluted and sometimes archaic syntax had an interesting effect in Williams' poems, creating a voice of detachment that complemented his imagery of the West. I especially liked how the sense of desperation in the beginning of Driving Nebraska gave way to a reluctant acceptance of loneliness. I also liked the haunting imagery in Lullaby of the Spider, and the way the poem slowly unraveled much like the strand of spiderweb it described."
They're still considering another poem, Driving Nebraska, for this issue too.
New chapbook near completion!
I'm in the midst of completing compilation of a new chapbook, The House We Live In, to submit to contests. The gist, if one can be so arbitrary, is a mix's the blurb I'll be including on cover letters:
At its heart a single question struggling to use language to clarify and answer itself, The House We Live In exposes an ongoing conversation about God, politics, otherness, and our attempts to place a period at the end of any sentence. From appreciation of Hafiz, Kabir, Rilke, and the dreams we forget upon waking, The House funnels personal conundrums and uncertainties through experiences accrued worldwide, from Damascus to Reykjavik, and through everything newspapers say and do not say. The House spans 26 poems over 35 pages, broken into two books, each focusing on a different attempt to answer the question that, by the end, continues to struggle with its own definition.
Wish me luck! I've some confidence in this piece...
At its heart a single question struggling to use language to clarify and answer itself, The House We Live In exposes an ongoing conversation about God, politics, otherness, and our attempts to place a period at the end of any sentence. From appreciation of Hafiz, Kabir, Rilke, and the dreams we forget upon waking, The House funnels personal conundrums and uncertainties through experiences accrued worldwide, from Damascus to Reykjavik, and through everything newspapers say and do not say. The House spans 26 poems over 35 pages, broken into two books, each focusing on a different attempt to answer the question that, by the end, continues to struggle with its own definition.
Wish me luck! I've some confidence in this piece...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Desert Voices- Two Poems
The Spring 2009 Desert Voices just came out both in print and online. Two of my poems, In the Western Night and Preparing for Fire, both written during my cross-country adventure two summers ago, are within its pages. The pdf version of the print issue is:
Or, to make it that much easier:
Preparing for Fire
The juniper attacked us from behind
as a lover might, silk-handed,
and off-guard we swaggered drunkenly
back to campfire, as if facing the smell
would dull its charms
and return our distracted conversation
to things mighty, abstract, and unseen
waiting for us over the next sandstone wall.
Each twig we cast sparked infinitesimal fireworks
like dying candle spit
like fireflies adding themselves to the sun,
and the light did not war against the darkness
but lifted us with it
to where, though unseen,
it could still be felt.
Dreams of junipers began to trickle over
the faint of heart, those simple enough
to gaze upon a fire and be warm,
leaving me alone
just outside its perfect halo
boasting brashly to a gathering of stones,
geckos, and broken ceramic pots
that though smaller than a juniper spark
I’d not be taken quietly,
fondling my words like a sword, distracted-
savage Ares speculating aloud to statues of himself
where the blood goes in peacetime.
In the Western Night
Blue sparks raining from the sky
as if from two great metals clashing,
and a scream swallowing itself.
A half-dead mare, the half that bears its soul.
If argued correctly, the other half, they claim,
cannot also suffer.
Flies gather round its groin.
Metals clash, blue sparks,
and the shoe slips on, unnoticed.
And in my heart German shepherds
tempering the prairie wind
by gnashing their teeth
and pouncing upon the slightest sound.
And every sound a distinct fear,
every barn door rusting out, creaking,
and yet there is comfort
in condensing all life into a moment
and waiting for the next,
which this time will be it- it
and yet nothing like it-
like being the author and the poem
and fearing which will longer endure.
In the western night without illusion
the landscape crawled under my shirt
to die.
I still hear the rusting of hinges
and pounce upon every sound,
and still her eyes aglow beside me
spark blue and fall to the sheets,
heavy metals.
We’re awaiting another scream
that can swallow itself.
The shoe slips on unnoticed
Thursday, May 14, 2009
And Then Like a Saber
Parts of And Then Like a Saber, a multi-sectioned poem, have just been accepted by Glass: A Journal of Poetry. Scheduled for publication August 2009 at
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Oklamahoma Review Spring 2009 Out!
Please check out The Oklamahoma Review's Spring 2009 issue at My poem about Texas, South Texas Shadow, is on page 37.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Nibble- Issue 7 Out Now!
Nibble Issue 7 was just released! Hardcopies are available via, where they can also be viewed. Look for me on page 3...
The Evansville Review Vol. XIX 2009 Out Now!
Friday, May 8, 2009
I Dream a Horse...
In addition to below posting of Poem of the Week at Illogical Muse, they have also accepted I Dream a Horse, a poem about language's fragility and flexibility, for an upcoming issue. Find it soon at!!
Poem of the Week!
As Summer Sinks Over Erlauf Lake is now Illogical Muse's Poem of the Week! They discovered it at Verdad ( and apparently they choose one poem a week after extensive online research, and this little ditty about beauty and fragile love in Austria will be up in their pages soon (
Garcia Lorca x3
Wow, I'm happily surprised to say For Federico Garcia Lorca, previously published in Barnwood International and Language and Culture, has now also been accepted by Poetic Diversity, for publication Aug. 2009 at I've been previously published years ago at this site and am excited to find my work in its pages again.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Poetry Extravaganza in Portland tonight!
As hoped, I've found an open mic while here in Portland, OR. I'll be reading tonight sometime after 7pm at Poetry Extravaganza at the Someday Lounge on 125 NW 5th Avenue, Downtown. Looking forward to hearing some Northwestern voices!!
"In the Wilderness Between"
"In the Wilderness Between" has just been accepted for publication in June 2009 at It's somewhat of a love poem, part of the Maelstrom half of an ongoing book of love poems split between the beauty (Illumination) and terror (Maelstrom) of love beyond reversal and recourse- ie, that self-destructive, almost mythical, but very real...true love...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Big 5 0 ...Paradigm publication!
A weary 3:30am preparing for a flight and yet I'm lucky enough to find Paradigm Journal has accepted "Still the World" for publication in their upcoming May 2009 issue. Including fiction, that finally makes 50 journals that have published my work! Very excited as things have truly been pulling together these last months. Now it's time for that book deal, yes?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Amarillo Bay Publishes Two Poems!! May 2009 Issue
Hours before my flight, I am pleased to find out Amarillo Bay has accepted two of my poems for their May 2009 issue. "Stillborn Calf" and "Idaho, Moments After Sunset" can be found the third Monday of May at As I'll soon be driving cross country again, I'm particularly pleased these two poems, written during just such an adventure, have found a home. What a nice sendoff!
Off to Portland!!
Hopping a plane early Friday morning bound for Portland, OR, soon to be home sweet home. I'm hoping to attend a few open mics and readings while there but will be unable to post them here as I'll be computerless. Fingers crossed to meet some like-minded poets and artists in my week's visit.
Miranda poems now available online!
Check out to find a few of my poems in Miranda's Spring 2009 issue. The print version is still in the making but should be available next week. Also, they'll be creating a Miranda video channel of poet's readings, so hopefully I'll be able to post some live feed up there soon!
Monday, April 27, 2009
River Oak Review Winter 2009 issue out!
Poetry is Dead, Says the Poet
My poem "Poetry is Dead, Says the Poet", my little proletariat daydream of working in a factory and spouting revolutionary poetry to the machines and myself, has just been accepted and is being displayed by The November Third Club! The website is
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
For Federico Garcia Lorca's second time around/ Language and acceptance
My poem For Federico Garcia Lorca, previously published by Barnwood International, has now been accepted at for their Winter 2010 edition due out December 2009.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Streak Continues/Affirmation/nibble accepts a poem
nibble ( has just accepted my poem "Winter" for their upcoming print edition, Issue 7, though it can also be found at the above address soon.
nibble is a paper and staple poetry magazine that focuses on the best in short poetry. Editor: jeff fleming.
nibble is a paper and staple poetry magazine that focuses on the best in short poetry. Editor: jeff fleming.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Week Goes On/2 Poems Accepted by Verdad!!
Rounding off the most productive week of acceptances in my journey so far, I just received word that two poems will soon be published by Verdad. "As Summer Sinks Over Erlauf Lake" and "Hostel Room on Sofokleous Street" can both be found soon at The former was composed in a rural area of northern Austria, quite a calming location; the latter in Athens city center, while staying at a tight, nightmarish hostel in 110 degree heat while the noises of the city, mostly motorbikes and stray cats, reminded me the night belongs to more than crickets...but i'm excited they'll be shown side by side, a balance, contradictory, no?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
In My Darkest
In My Darkest
In Autumn, yours is the last
flower still clinging to color
A flower
writhing in death’s arid wind
as dirt flesh parches, raises,
and cracks
but with crippled fight
your rooted moisture infuses
yellow sun
green pine
well into frost
-previously published by Amperstand
In Autumn, yours is the last
flower still clinging to color
A flower
writhing in death’s arid wind
as dirt flesh parches, raises,
and cracks
but with crippled fight
your rooted moisture infuses
yellow sun
green pine
well into frost
-previously published by Amperstand
From here you run,
a fistful of dirt to a dying tree,
tasting of washed socks
left too long on the line.
The sun below opening its hidden door.
The sand raining down from empty skies.
In that the swans avoid you, I hear
your innate stillness, the silence
of a thousand bodies, your eyes
blackened by history. None were your
conquests. None your blood.
But you smell of both,
allowing me to swim
your ample inheritance.
Each stroke, my arms strike stone,
cold thousand-eyed alabaster.
My once-powerful legs churn
your sorrow. I live the moment
between your poetries
and am liberated by the dawns
that have passed you over.
Perhaps the next sun will dry you
to grain or wheat, so exultantly
you can extinguish
this vast world light.
You carry the city I call upon
to replant my roots. I am grateful
for the way you hush violins
and squeeze between the shadows,
unnoticed. The green song of air
tooted from the hundred green hills.
The blue song of penitence
beaten into the streets. The red and gold
banners of daybreak. The sly vermilion grin
of twilight.
In your deftness and blindness I huddle,
saturated, a mangy alley cat
or any small animal
wounded by ego, shuddering
at my hands of water.
Touching but my flesh, you cannot crack me.
My master’s hands are stars
I name for the dead
and clouds painting the faces
I have been blessed to erase.
But you wash me like a bird’s wings until almost
I am alone. Like you.
Bypassing yesterdays, celebrating silence,
testifying to nothing.
O haggard, hallowed river, mighty for a time.
The many names history crowns you
are broken bells. They will not ring
tomorrow. Their voice is already crackling.
-previously published by Hot Metal Press
From here you run,
a fistful of dirt to a dying tree,
tasting of washed socks
left too long on the line.
The sun below opening its hidden door.
The sand raining down from empty skies.
In that the swans avoid you, I hear
your innate stillness, the silence
of a thousand bodies, your eyes
blackened by history. None were your
conquests. None your blood.
But you smell of both,
allowing me to swim
your ample inheritance.
Each stroke, my arms strike stone,
cold thousand-eyed alabaster.
My once-powerful legs churn
your sorrow. I live the moment
between your poetries
and am liberated by the dawns
that have passed you over.
Perhaps the next sun will dry you
to grain or wheat, so exultantly
you can extinguish
this vast world light.
You carry the city I call upon
to replant my roots. I am grateful
for the way you hush violins
and squeeze between the shadows,
unnoticed. The green song of air
tooted from the hundred green hills.
The blue song of penitence
beaten into the streets. The red and gold
banners of daybreak. The sly vermilion grin
of twilight.
In your deftness and blindness I huddle,
saturated, a mangy alley cat
or any small animal
wounded by ego, shuddering
at my hands of water.
Touching but my flesh, you cannot crack me.
My master’s hands are stars
I name for the dead
and clouds painting the faces
I have been blessed to erase.
But you wash me like a bird’s wings until almost
I am alone. Like you.
Bypassing yesterdays, celebrating silence,
testifying to nothing.
O haggard, hallowed river, mighty for a time.
The many names history crowns you
are broken bells. They will not ring
tomorrow. Their voice is already crackling.
-previously published by Hot Metal Press
What a week!/4th Acceptance/Southwestern American Literature
What a week! Finally received my acceptance to Portland State University's MA in Book Publishing program, began planning my first visit next month, and now received my fourth acceptance...all since Monday. Breaking all sorts of records. 10 poems published in one week. Six rejections within two days. The world balances itself so perfectly...
Southwestern American Literature, out of Texas State University, has accepted "Escalante Bat Hymn" for their Fall 2009 print edition. The poem was written on a rather strange night in Escalante, Utah two summers ago, while bats danced and cut paths through the descending evening, and I'm excited it's finally found a home. Sometimes the path a poem takes, from inspiration to words to publication, resembles just such a dance...or "hymn"...
Fingers crossed for tomorrow's mail!
Southwestern American Literature, out of Texas State University, has accepted "Escalante Bat Hymn" for their Fall 2009 print edition. The poem was written on a rather strange night in Escalante, Utah two summers ago, while bats danced and cut paths through the descending evening, and I'm excited it's finally found a home. Sometimes the path a poem takes, from inspiration to words to publication, resembles just such a dance...or "hymn"...
Fingers crossed for tomorrow's mail!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What a week!/Persistance pays off/White Whale Review accepts 3 poems!
A few hours after hearing great news about my Miranda Literary Magazine acceptance, I just received word that White Whale Review will be publishing three of my poems in their upcoming second issue. "A Kind of Loss", "Songs and Visions", and "Rainy Season" will soon be available at
What a week!!
Miranda Literary Magazine acceptance- 4 poems!
Just a few days after the last acceptance and blog posting, I just received word that Miranda Literary Magazine will be publishing four poems of mine in their Spring 2009 issue."Strangers on a Beach", "Between the Sand and the Wooden Planks", "An Incomplete Picture of Weather", and "An Experience With Metals" can be found soon at They were each composed in a different location and about a different location, from Santorini to Glouchester to Prague, and I am excited Miranda has accepted them, in all their diversity of language and geography. Thank you, Ron!
And per above imagine, Miranda is kicking off a "The Sea" anthology series with a deadline of June 30. Info at:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Poetry Reading- Sat. 4/18 Brockton Public Library
2-5pm. Brockton Public Library, 304 Main St., Brockton, MA, 02301, (508) 580-7890.
I'll be reading some new work at the above venue this coming Saturday.
I'll be reading some new work at the above venue this coming Saturday.
2 poems accepted at The Oklahoma Review
I just received word that two poems written in and about the southwest, "South Texas Shadow" and "Badlands", have been accepted by The Oklahoma Review for their Spring 2009 issue. They will be available online soon at
Monday, March 30, 2009
Third Wednesday Winter 2008/2009 out!
The new issue of Third Wednesday is now out in stores and online. I'm pleased to find my poem, A Brief Respite, tucked away in its pages. The issue can be ordered at:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Mon. 3/30/09 reading in Cambridge
It's been awhile since I've been able to attend my regular Monday poetry reading in Cambridge (Out of the Blue art gallery in Central Square), but I'll definitely be there this coming Monday, 3/30/09, if anyone's interested in swinging by!
Poems now on Clapboard House!
The three poems accepted for publication by Clapboard House are now available at:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday Reading in Cambridge- Attending
Saturday, 28 March @ Outpost, 3pm
186 1/2 Hampshire Street
Inman Sq. Cambridge (behind 7-11 on Prospect)
Jim Dunn’s first collection Soft Launch, is the first title in the publishing collaboration, B Is for Beans, between Bootstrap Productions and Pressed Wafer, featuring Boston based poets. Gerrit Lansing has written it contains "flashes of emotional perception that transfigure the sad remains of the City" DunnĘĽs previous collection is CONVENIENT HOLE.
Simon Pettet's many books include most recently Hearth, Selected Poems and More Winnowed Fragments, all published by Talisman. He edited The Selected Art Writings of James Schuyler and collaborated with Duncan Hannah on Abundant Treasures and with Rudy Burckhardt on Conversations About Everything and Talking Pictures. British by birth, he lives in New York City.
Come here these fine poets
186 1/2 Hampshire Street
Inman Sq. Cambridge (behind 7-11 on Prospect)
Jim Dunn’s first collection Soft Launch, is the first title in the publishing collaboration, B Is for Beans, between Bootstrap Productions and Pressed Wafer, featuring Boston based poets. Gerrit Lansing has written it contains "flashes of emotional perception that transfigure the sad remains of the City" DunnĘĽs previous collection is CONVENIENT HOLE.
Simon Pettet's many books include most recently Hearth, Selected Poems and More Winnowed Fragments, all published by Talisman. He edited The Selected Art Writings of James Schuyler and collaborated with Duncan Hannah on Abundant Treasures and with Rudy Burckhardt on Conversations About Everything and Talking Pictures. British by birth, he lives in New York City.
Come here these fine poets
Six Fires- previously published by Flutter Poetry Journal
Six Fires
If I had one name
to call you before
the sun shatters;
Through the ten thousand vaginas
that bore me light;
And where water and water
both wash your confident flesh
and the tattooed curve of your tongue;
until I write your body
only with these peasant hands
that once loved soil and rock
and now rain
like a jasmine swan
like a heart never silent
like fists with green knuckles
mountaining everything between
my horizons and my mirrors.
When held still too long, without
worlds crumble sandy,
cloy our mouths,
but engulfed in your movement,
skirt and wind and metallic German tongue,
I grow unfamiliar
and drop,
from the thawing roof.
If I had one name
to call you before
the sun shatters;
Through the ten thousand vaginas
that bore me light;
And where water and water
both wash your confident flesh
and the tattooed curve of your tongue;
until I write your body
only with these peasant hands
that once loved soil and rock
and now rain
like a jasmine swan
like a heart never silent
like fists with green knuckles
mountaining everything between
my horizons and my mirrors.
When held still too long, without
worlds crumble sandy,
cloy our mouths,
but engulfed in your movement,
skirt and wind and metallic German tongue,
I grow unfamiliar
and drop,
from the thawing roof.
"Post-Fire" to be published by Sangam Literary Magazine
Sangam Literary Magazine has accepted my poem "Post-Fire" for publication in their Fall 2009 issue. At that time it will be found at
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Boston National Poetry Month Festival April 4 2009
I'll be attending and reading:
Boston National Poetry Month Festival April 4 2009
Now In Its Successful NINTH!!! Year
CO-SPONSORS: Tapestry of Voices & Kaji Aso Studio in partnership with the Boston Public Library, SAVE the DATE, Saturday, April 4th 10:00 A.M.- 4:45 P.M. OPEN MIKE: 1:30 to 4:00P.M. The Festival will be held at the library’s main branch in Copley Square. FREE ADMISSION
53 Major and Emerging poets will each do a ten minute reading.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Me Live on Youtube?
The funny things you find while googling this case, me reading "At Daybreak" at Stone Soup Poets from Feb. 2009.
The funny things you find while googling this case, me reading "At Daybreak" at Stone Soup Poets from Feb. 2009.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Brockton Poetry Reading Sat. 3/21/09
On the second day of Spring (finally), I'll be reading at the Brockton Public Library around 2pm. This Saturday, 3/21/09, will have a one hour open mic followed by a featured speaker. Join me for some coffee that seems straight from an AA meeting or police station and a little poetry...I'm thinking politically-motivated ones...
Clapboard House- 3 Poems Published
Two this week! Clapboard House ( has accepted three Southern fried poems for publication in their next online issue and their annual print anthology. "Railyard at Rest", "Baptismal", and "Variations on a New Dam" will be available soon online!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
ken*again acceptance of 3 poems
ken*again ( has just accepted three poems for publication! "Palace Gardens", "The Poem Tells Us Death", and "Don't Fear" will be published in their Summer 2009 issue.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Poet's Ink Feb. 2009 issue out
Just a note the Feb. 2009 issue of Poet's Ink is now out, which contains my poem "Stone Sagas". If interested:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Munyori Literary Journal- 5 Poems Accepted
The Munyori Literary Journal ( has accepted five poems for acceptance for their March 9th online edition. The poems: On Footprints; On These Warmer Nights of Sleepwalking; National Anthem; Little Sun, Pinpricked Night; Oia Sequence.
I'm particularly excited as this online journal is based in Munyori, Kenya, which in addition to poems published in New Zealand, Fiji, and the UK, truly fill me with a delight and sense of purpose that supercedes publiations merely in the US...
I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Editors...
I'm particularly excited as this online journal is based in Munyori, Kenya, which in addition to poems published in New Zealand, Fiji, and the UK, truly fill me with a delight and sense of purpose that supercedes publiations merely in the US...
I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Editors...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Love poems now up on Seven Circles Press
4 love poems previously accepted at Seven Cirlces Press (print edition this summer) is now available online at They're part of an ongoing love poems book that circles and circles like a shark and is nowhere near completion....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Winter Sequence, Santorini
Winter Sequence, Santorini
The children, spirited as early snowfall, still poke the mongrel dogs
and bored donkeys, but the zeal of cruelty has faded.
Each town has wasted its breath on summer. Shops deserted.
Vibrantly painted homes climbing steadily up from port
drained of contrast, without raw sun to reflect.
The giant tongue covers cloud and sky, unrolls over the street.
The sand I hold could be murderous ash cooled over centuries,
Minoan doom, or a dead man, more recent.
Cunning life begs as stray kittens, laps the milk now crusted
from tourist season, begs for more-
more water, more shells emptied of ocean,
more crosses and bells to appease or confront Nea Kameni-
more of what abounds. Never enough.
I read the varied initials of winter:
the dizzying handwriting on wind, the fading recollection
of gulls and footfall, a retreat to songs of despair and toil-
shows the character of naked rock, the blood it lets into the sea.
All things settle in different places
like the sun cradled low in the vineyards,
swallowing in bottles the sweet wine unsold,
or the island’s tense voice spoken up through feet, leg, heart,
in a seasonally lightened mezzo soprano.
The children turn their eyes on me,
myself an empty town sleeping,
but I’ve a longer stick, my weariness and regret
measured in calendars that have not witnessed them.
We all- leery children, treasonous tourist, ghostly streets,
eternal morning drifting out to sea- circle each other
with soft hands and dangerous claws, viewing our open veins
as if from a train window at midnight.
-in the upcoming River Oak Review
The children, spirited as early snowfall, still poke the mongrel dogs
and bored donkeys, but the zeal of cruelty has faded.
Each town has wasted its breath on summer. Shops deserted.
Vibrantly painted homes climbing steadily up from port
drained of contrast, without raw sun to reflect.
The giant tongue covers cloud and sky, unrolls over the street.
The sand I hold could be murderous ash cooled over centuries,
Minoan doom, or a dead man, more recent.
Cunning life begs as stray kittens, laps the milk now crusted
from tourist season, begs for more-
more water, more shells emptied of ocean,
more crosses and bells to appease or confront Nea Kameni-
more of what abounds. Never enough.
I read the varied initials of winter:
the dizzying handwriting on wind, the fading recollection
of gulls and footfall, a retreat to songs of despair and toil-
shows the character of naked rock, the blood it lets into the sea.
All things settle in different places
like the sun cradled low in the vineyards,
swallowing in bottles the sweet wine unsold,
or the island’s tense voice spoken up through feet, leg, heart,
in a seasonally lightened mezzo soprano.
The children turn their eyes on me,
myself an empty town sleeping,
but I’ve a longer stick, my weariness and regret
measured in calendars that have not witnessed them.
We all- leery children, treasonous tourist, ghostly streets,
eternal morning drifting out to sea- circle each other
with soft hands and dangerous claws, viewing our open veins
as if from a train window at midnight.
-in the upcoming River Oak Review
For Federico GarcĂa Lorca
For Federico GarcĂa Lorca
I found death happily
spinning old cloth
in my father’s basement.
I sat beside him
to embroider the plain vestments
but each stitch
blackened to ash
between my fingers.
His fat, nimble hands
just kept churning
fabric yards over the cold tiles,
though I asked him
to slow.
I was alone in the house.
I had a key.
My father had left
the procession.
When the sun finally broke in,
it strengthened my thread
and in the light the garment
was black too, ashen,
my thread yellow.
Death just kept sewing
and in the silence
I began working hard
to catch up.
-published w/ Barnwood International @
I found death happily
spinning old cloth
in my father’s basement.
I sat beside him
to embroider the plain vestments
but each stitch
blackened to ash
between my fingers.
His fat, nimble hands
just kept churning
fabric yards over the cold tiles,
though I asked him
to slow.
I was alone in the house.
I had a key.
My father had left
the procession.
When the sun finally broke in,
it strengthened my thread
and in the light the garment
was black too, ashen,
my thread yellow.
Death just kept sewing
and in the silence
I began working hard
to catch up.
-published w/ Barnwood International @
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, 2/17, Reading(s)
Updated Saturday reading schedule:
Brockton Library Poetry Series:
304 Main St, Brockton, MA
(and very likely)
Open Bark:
Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect St, Cambridge, MA
Brockton Library Poetry Series:
304 Main St, Brockton, MA
(and very likely)
Open Bark:
Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect St, Cambridge, MA
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stone Soup reading tonight- 2/16/09
I'll be reading at the open mic at Out of the Blue gallery in Cambridge again tonight, tea first at 1369 Coffehouse. I'm thinking a little political poetry might be in order, given the state of things. I'd love the support/friendly faces. I'm also seeking someone perhaps interested in filming the 5-10 minutes worth of me reading one of these Mondays. Huge favor payable in hugs, kisses, coffee, wine, or all of the above...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stone Sagas- in newest The Journal and upcoming Poet's Ink
Stone Sagas
In Reykholt his statue inspects the old church’s
slight movements, doctrinal pauses before light
warms the wood pews, its garden of crosses
shaved from the hillside, also the sun-bleached
lava fields, fluttering mountains, awkward streams
keeping back the fjord’s distant glare, overseeing
the various separations.
The colorful doors of the scattered houses all close
in greeting. Winds panic from all sides,
graying the sky. My eyes stone in response
as I read the great sagas of our time,
those even history cannot shame.
In the margins I note such fear
solitude bears, its proximity to stone.
No music whistles from the land. No overtures.
No warnings. Only the brash noise
used to startle time into progressing.
The misspelled experiences. The old tongues
buffered by unyielding monuments
hands could never write or, in a definite image,
In Reykholt his statue inspects the old church’s
slight movements, doctrinal pauses before light
warms the wood pews, its garden of crosses
shaved from the hillside, also the sun-bleached
lava fields, fluttering mountains, awkward streams
keeping back the fjord’s distant glare, overseeing
the various separations.
The colorful doors of the scattered houses all close
in greeting. Winds panic from all sides,
graying the sky. My eyes stone in response
as I read the great sagas of our time,
those even history cannot shame.
In the margins I note such fear
solitude bears, its proximity to stone.
No music whistles from the land. No overtures.
No warnings. Only the brash noise
used to startle time into progressing.
The misspelled experiences. The old tongues
buffered by unyielding monuments
hands could never write or, in a definite image,
Confessional Hymns- in new Flint Hills Review
Confessional Hymns
Bless us, fertile new morning.
Bless the barrage of tangerine light
streaming through the thawing pines.
Bless the slight wisps penetrating within
these bedroom windows,
balancing upon her forehead.
To whoever misses the conch’s hermetic ocean voice
grinding and honking down the avenues,
bless those ears pressed to concrete
who know history never fully unfurls.
Bless the gathering hummingbirds
who resuscitate night’s lost shadows,
swarming into a single crab
splayed across our bedroom wall,
legs furiously kicking the air.
Bless the beasts conquered and belly up,
accepting without pretense the slaughter and their breath.
Bless all the things each sea coughs up.
Bless their ignorance, their well-lit tree within.
Bless the bountiful cold waves
sleep polishes our wounds,
our nightly flight taken with Icarus
and our awaking moments before the sea opens its mouth.
Bless the moment between waking and understanding,
when such purity of new morning blinds us
to what the night undid.
Bless us, fertile new morning.
Bless the barrage of tangerine light
streaming through the thawing pines.
Bless the slight wisps penetrating within
these bedroom windows,
balancing upon her forehead.
To whoever misses the conch’s hermetic ocean voice
grinding and honking down the avenues,
bless those ears pressed to concrete
who know history never fully unfurls.
Bless the gathering hummingbirds
who resuscitate night’s lost shadows,
swarming into a single crab
splayed across our bedroom wall,
legs furiously kicking the air.
Bless the beasts conquered and belly up,
accepting without pretense the slaughter and their breath.
Bless all the things each sea coughs up.
Bless their ignorance, their well-lit tree within.
Bless the bountiful cold waves
sleep polishes our wounds,
our nightly flight taken with Icarus
and our awaking moments before the sea opens its mouth.
Bless the moment between waking and understanding,
when such purity of new morning blinds us
to what the night undid.
Kafka- in Cadillac Ciccatrix
Around the same time he affixed feathers, wings,
so too a wire-meshed pen,
and hunched over his meager seed allowance
commenced to peck at his cage.
Years forgot themselves
as housecats their missing claws
and though he pecked still
well after he’d razed the pen,
savagely attacking empty air
as if it held his freedom,
this ongoing dust worship
finally took the place of flight.
Around the same time he affixed feathers, wings,
so too a wire-meshed pen,
and hunched over his meager seed allowance
commenced to peck at his cage.
Years forgot themselves
as housecats their missing claws
and though he pecked still
well after he’d razed the pen,
savagely attacking empty air
as if it held his freedom,
this ongoing dust worship
finally took the place of flight.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Poet's Ink acceptance
A little good news on a frigid day. Poet's Ink just accepted my poem "Stone Sagas" for their February 2009 issue. It should be posted online soon at This poem has been previously published by The Journal, which was just released last week, so it's wonderful to see it in two places, print and online. I've always felt strongly about this one, and after countless rejections, as usual, this news is a little stormcloud parter...
Reading tonight- Cambridge
If interested, I'll be reading at tonight's poetry open mic at Out of the Blue art gallery, via Stone Soup Poetry, in Central Square, Cambridge. Open mic is from 8-9pm, headlining poets from 9-10. I'll try to get to Cambridge early and, if so, will be at the 1369 Coffehouse, right around the corner. Cup o' joe on me.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Journal #25 now out
Issue #25 of The Journal, a UK based literary review with special interest in translations and Scandanavian work, is now out, with two of my poems, "Stone Sagas" and "Autumn Rain" included, the former written about a village in Iceland I visited a few years ago. Website:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
New Issue of Ghoti
The Winter issue of Ghoti just came out, with a few of my older poems in it.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Barnwood International now online
I just received word today my poems "Left Hand" and "For Federico Garcia Lorca", taken by Barnwood, are now available online at
Anyone else tired from watching balls on CNN all night? They are one striking, fun, and down-to-earth couple that cut quite a remarkable image few will soon forget.
Anyone else tired from watching balls on CNN all night? They are one striking, fun, and down-to-earth couple that cut quite a remarkable image few will soon forget.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Southern Ocean Review
So sad to hear Southern Ocean Review has printed its final issue, no. 50. It's a fantastic international journal from New Zealand publishing unique work from across the globe since 1996, edited by Trevor Reeves. I was lucky enough and feel honored to be published in their last edition, now available online and in print. Link:
Thank you, Trevor, and best wishes...
Thank you, Trevor, and best wishes...
On such a monumental moment, huddled with coworkers, clapping, some with tears welling up, I'm again struck that this is one of the first times in our generation the American and international public can be proud of our country. I truly feel for our new president. Not only are the difficulties handed down to him immense, but there's also this expectation in the air that no human can really achieve. We're expecting the world (literally) from him. Though he can only do so much, he has proved himself the perfect person to reach into all divides and lay waste to the faulty reasoning behind them. All my time in Europe has proved them expect as much. I try not to get too caught up in this belief in complete change. As much of this is in our hands as his. But if ever the time was right and if ever the right person was standing before us and if ever we've all been joined together to combat so many simultaneous is now...and him...and it's hard not to think, perhaps, it will be our hands that will reshape our nation...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cambridge Reading This Monday, 1/19
Just one day before this historic inauguration, which will keep us all glued to the television, I'll be reading at an open mic in Cambridge. Stone Soup poetry meets every Monday at Out of the Blue art gallery in Central Square. Open mic between 8-9pm. This past Saturday's reading went incredibly well. I got to meet Martha Collins, an award winning poet who pulled me aside to compliment me after my reading, which was a wonderful surprise. The Brockton group is a very warm gathering hosted by a Pushcart nominee. Hopefully this Monday will be as successful...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Et Cetera Et Cetera Et Cetera
Actually just one of the above. My poem "Et Cetera" has been accepted today by The Evansville Review. It will be displayed in Volume XIX, out later in the year.
Question: If the work one likes the best is oft rejected and those which took less effort and that seem less polished are more easily accepted, does that say something about the industry/poetry reading editors or public, or does it say something about the author's ability to judge his/her own work?
Regardless, The Evansville Review is a rather decent one. Might see it at Barnes & Noble soon...
Question: If the work one likes the best is oft rejected and those which took less effort and that seem less polished are more easily accepted, does that say something about the industry/poetry reading editors or public, or does it say something about the author's ability to judge his/her own work?
Regardless, The Evansville Review is a rather decent one. Might see it at Barnes & Noble soon...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Must Read story
I just read an utterly unique and mesmerizing story in winter 2007/2008 Hayden's Ferry Review. Conviction by Ch'oe Such' ol, a Korean writer with 50 works published in his native land, though this is the first to be translated (why? How many versions of The Inferno do we need at the expense of fine literature left untranslated?) Somewhat Kafkaesque but dodging the oft-muddied trap of sounding like him, Conviction also dodges the increasingly-traditional form of magical realism, with a perfectly executed, non-chrononlogical storyline with no direct dialogue, as a middle-aged man with a physical fear of water tries to rid himself of this by living on an island, where he loses himself within himself, spiraling tensely yet undramatically, rather humanly, into oblivion. It vaguely reminded me of Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles, though also Camus and Sartre. I loved it so much I contacted the translator after unsuccessfully researching the author. Apparently this is it in English, but it's very well worth the Review (or borrowing it from me).
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm reading at Brockton Public Library this Sat. 1/17
There's a public reading series once a month at the Brockton Public Library, including workshop and readings. I'll be reading somewhere between 2-3pm.
Anyone interested or in need of a ride, let me know.
Anyone interested or in need of a ride, let me know.
3 new publications!
Within a few weeks I've received three bits of good news.!
Barnwood International Poetry has accepted "Left Hand" and "For Federico Garcia Lorca" for publication. This will be my first official payment for poetry, so I'm very excited. I might have to cash the check and frame the dough. These poems are not online yet, but they will be within the next month or two. Barnwood's main website is:
Seven Circles Press has accepted for both their print and online editions four poems: "Bonfires", "A Train to the Coast", "Those Washed By the Sea", "A Night’s Song for Lake Traunsee". Online they can be found at
Finally, Ghoti has accepted two of my older, less mature and more non-traditional poems, odd selections indeed: "Autism" and "Upon Looking Up at Kahlo’s Unos Cuantos Piquetitos, She Just Hung Over Our Bed". They will be displayed in Issue 17 in January 2009 at
Barnwood International Poetry has accepted "Left Hand" and "For Federico Garcia Lorca" for publication. This will be my first official payment for poetry, so I'm very excited. I might have to cash the check and frame the dough. These poems are not online yet, but they will be within the next month or two. Barnwood's main website is:
Seven Circles Press has accepted for both their print and online editions four poems: "Bonfires", "A Train to the Coast", "Those Washed By the Sea", "A Night’s Song for Lake Traunsee". Online they can be found at
Finally, Ghoti has accepted two of my older, less mature and more non-traditional poems, odd selections indeed: "Autism" and "Upon Looking Up at Kahlo’s Unos Cuantos Piquetitos, She Just Hung Over Our Bed". They will be displayed in Issue 17 in January 2009 at
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